Player levies help contribute to the costs, training fees and equipment associated with the Cessnock Cobras junior representative basketball program. Cessnock Basketball subsidies the program to help make representative basketball more accessible for our juniors.
Player Levy
The player levy is $850, payable in three instalments. To secure a player’s spot in the 2025 Cessnock Cobras Junior Representative program, the first instalment of $300 is due by October 29th, 2024. The second instalment of $300 is due by January 10th, 2025, and the final payment of $250 is required by March 15th, 2025.
Development Player Levy
The levy for development players is $300, payable in three instalments. The first instalment of $100 is due by October 29th, 2024. The second instalment of $100 is due by January 10th, 2025, and the final payment of $100 is due by March 15th, 2025.